Abdominoplasty, the Tummy Tuck
A smooth, well-toned abdomen (or “six-pack” abs) are something that many people associate with youth and strive to attain. While exercise and a healthy diet are critical, they are often not enough to remove persistent loose, sagging skin, stretch marks and excess fat around the stomach.
Pregnancy, weight loss or previous abdominal surgery (i.e. C-section) all contribute to these conditions that many of us find unacceptable.
Good Candidates for Abdominoplasty
- A non-smoker
- Generally healthy
- Has a stable weight
- Has completed child-bearing (if appropriate)
- Has excess fat and sagging or protruding skin around the stomach area
Procedure Description
Abdominoplasty surgery, commonly referred to as a tummy-tuck, corrects these issues by surgically removing the excess skin, tightening the stretched-out abdominal muscles and sometimes removing excessive fat around the stomach to create a smoother, tighter, more youthful appearance. Women and men alike commonly undergo this surgery and achieve wonderful results.
Abdominoplasty is an outpatient surgery that takes place in a hospital setting under General Anesthesia and takes about 3 hours. The incision is made along the pubic line and can span the entire width of the abdomen, but is generally covered with most types of clothing.
You will need lots of rest and someone to help you at home with bathing, toileting and general day-to-day activities for approximately 7-10 days. Most patients are out of work for about 3 weeks. You will be prescribed narcotic pain medication for 3-4 weeks after surgery to alleviate discomfort.
There are many layers of internal stitches, some of which will dissolve over time and some that are permanent. There are no stitches on the surface that have to be removed except for around the belly button. These are usually removed 7-10 days after surgery. A special compression girdle will be worn for approximately 6 weeks after your abdominoplasty. You may resume all regular activities 6-8 weeks after surgery.
Your results will continue to improve over the next 7-9 months, and with a controlled diet and minimal weight fluctuation, your results will last a lifetime.
What Abdominoplasty Won’t Do
Abdominoplasty is not a substitute for weight loss or exercise, but is a surgical procedure that removes persistent, excess fat and skin.

I don’t know even where to begin! Thank you so very much for the amazing work you performed on me. You completely exceeded my expectations. I had very little pain and discomfort and the results are just “WOW.” You gave me back the body that my pregnancy had taken away! You gave me my “spirit” again. Thank you.
SM Lancaster, MA